Where we share ideas for finding meaning in day to day life...hey, even
Peanut Butter and Jelly has more meaning with raisin eyes and a honey smile!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 10 Season of Quiet - Personal Quiet Time (Part 1)

I have never prayed so much in my life than since I became a parent. For example,last evening I found myself begging God to take my child's suffering and lay it on me instead. Multiple times I prayed that. I sought His words in the quiet of the middle of the night to avoid being filled with anxious worry. Jesus did not let me down, as usual. For one, I was reminded that I am not in control. Ephesians 1:11-12 says God "worketh all things after the counsel of His own will: that we should be to the praise of His glory." No matter how I wished to take the struggle out of my little kid and place it in my own flesh, things were out of my hands. God brought me to this and He would bring me through it. Why is not for me to question. That will be made known to me in His time.

This is where the Christian's habitual quiet time used to meditate on God's word kicks in. "Be anxious for nothing..." Phil.4:6. God chose me for this job of mothering, "for such a time as this..." Esther 4:14. Scripture memory verses comfort and produce the peace that passes all understanding in the Christian's heart when earthly struggles arise.

What is prayer? Is it the same as meditation? A group of my friends recently pointed out that one worldview of meditation emphasizes emptying one's self to find strength from within. The Christian perspective emphasizes emptying one's self to be filled with the Spirit of God, the source of all human strength. That is the natural versus the supernatural. I'll take the latter please. And prayer is the tool we can use to be filled with the Holy Spirit and also to praise and worship our God who sees fit to bring us closer to Him (be transformed)until that day we can behold Him face to face.

I feel inadequate in describing prayer, when I am still an infant Christian. I am still learning to talk to God in a way that Jesus modeled for us in Matthew 6:9-13. In fact, if you haven't prayed in a while, The Lord's Prayer is the outline you could use to re-open the communication line (on your end...God hasn't gone anywhere).

I see this post going longer than I'm up for today, so I think I will break it into parts. Part 1 is realizing the need for your own personal quiet time. Because we're busy little bees and life is whirling by at the speed of exhaustion. How will you know if you're making the right choices? Where are you going to find rest? Who are you going to lean when times on this alien planet become tougher than you think you are able to bear? Should we only talk (or pray) to God when we are desparate, in need, at the breaking point? Starting and ending each day with praise and thanksgiving in good times and bad means we trust that when we find ourselves in need: He's there. We know it, we feel it, and we are confident because we have been talking to Him every day. Building that relationship. Seeking His face. Finding His strength. Knowing His peace.

I don't mind sharing with you that my quiet time happens two places: over my morning commute (after the kids are dropped off at school), and before bedtime (when the kids are sleeping). I love getting those "crazy" looks from people in the car next to me who think I am talking to myself. Smile and wave, smile and wave. I meditate on the Bible plus various devotional medium, such as church magazines, sound bytes from inspirational music or speakers, even blogs. Often, in the car especially, I just listen. God's creation tells us a lot about who He is and this time of year I find the whole earth speaking to that. I wind down the windows and sing, think, pray alongside the birds, trees, and all of creation. I always find that my day flows better with these meaningful meditations and prayer.

I had planned to share my testimony tomorrow, but have decided to continue on this theme of personal quiet time. Part 2 will focus on how we can make this a daily habit and more specific suggestions for meditating for meaning.

Sorry if this post rambles more than usual. I don't feel I've even scratched the surface on this topic. Here is a quote from someone who has more experience and insight than me, to be sure:

Prayer is talking with God. God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart. Josh McDowell

Prayer in the sense of petition, asking for things, is a small part of it; confession and penitence are its threshold, adoration its sanctuary, the presence and vision and enjoyment of God its bread and wine.C. S. Lewis

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.Phil. 4:8 (NLT)

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