Where we share ideas for finding meaning in day to day life...hey, even
Peanut Butter and Jelly has more meaning with raisin eyes and a honey smile!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Days 6 & 7 Season of Quiet - Listening Walk

I sat down to post twice yesterday and life got in the way. We've had some beautiful weather here the past few days. Between enjoying the outdoors and adjusting to Daylight Savings Time change, I'm feeling tired today. So, I'll do a brief post here for yesterday and today.

Over the weekend, we finally made good on a promise to my big kid. We took her to Stone Mountain. We climbed the big rock with her for the first time over Thanksgiving break and ever since then she has asked for an annual park pass in lieu of other extracurricular activities. I grew up in the "shadow of the rock", so it makes my heart happy that she loves going there. It was a beautiful day for a picnic and we took to the trails with enthusiasm.

My big kid has one volume, one speed. So, when we go out in creation where wildlife and fishermen are all around us, I get to give lots of lessons on how to be quiet and still. We tiptoed through the woods and trails. We stood still while a blue butterfly almost lighted on us. We whispered as we snuck up on my husband and little kid from behind trees. We investigated the babbling brook with it's slippery rocks. We looked for signs of spring and found robin birds, green growth, flower buds, baby ducks, and more. On the way back from our walk, we challenged our big kid to go all the way back to our starting point without making a peep. Her reward would be getting to climb the granite outcropping of rocks near Memorial Lawn. She embraced the challenge! We joined in (as best we could with a toddler), and had a family "listening walk". What a nice quiet time to enjoy creation and each other!

We absolutely will be doing this again soon, as we did obtain a park pass and will enjoy many Sunday afternoons in our favorite quiet spots. You could try this as part of our Season of Quiet. You don't have to go to the park. Anywhere in creation where you can sort of take off down a road less travelled with the intent on finding quiet. Listen to the natural sounds. Stop to smell the flowers. Or if you avoid the pollen, take a drive through the country or the mountains. Just be sure to leave the radio off.

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