I hope you like to read. I have always loved reading. As a child, if I ran out of books on car trips, I would eagerly read billboards as my parents drove down the highway. I think I read the entire Encyclopedia Brittanica A-Z before I was out of high school. I read anything and everything I could get my hands on. Yeah, I was that kind of kid. Now, I have to make time to read in my busy schedule and that usually means most of my leisure reading is done in my daily scheduled quiet time.
My recommendation for Day 14 in our Season of Quiet is meditating in your quiet time by reading. Don't worry if you are not an avid or fast reader. I started my quiet time habit with just one scripture verse, followed by a 5-minute devotional reading and prayer. There are many daily devotional books and magazines available through secular and Christian bookstores. There are also fun new ways to get your hands on interesting and inspiring written material (e-books and audio clips downloaded to my phone are my new favorites). I often read the same verse in multiple translations of the Bible (understanding the time period each was translated in and for) alongside inspired commentaries. This just helps me dig a little deeper into the passage and really allow God to take me down the path I need to go at that particular time. Don't forget the public library - yes they do carry *limited* Christian titles and authors.
When you read or hear something that speaks to you personally, you should first meditate (think: disect, define, discern through prayer) and then memorize it. Write it on a notecard and review it out loud three times at each meal for seven days (i.e. at least 9 times/day). Once you've memorized it, place the notecard on a binder ring and refer back to it (and any future cards) from time to time as a refresher. It's important to memorize scripture "word for word", but the translation is personal preference.
I was mediating recently, seeking direction about something entirely off subject, and was given the verse Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. The verse has many applications, but not intended for me to use at the time I first read it. However, I did meditate on it, praying, "Lord I don't understand this verse now, but write it on my heart and I believe you will bring it back to me in Your time." I can't tell you how many countless times I have recalled this verse and found continued comfort or new revelation applied to my current situation. Not just this verse, but others I have meditated and memorized along my journey. Sometimes my husband and I memorize the same scripture verse and find that we are able to use that in our daily talks together to make family decisions and strengthen our marriage. Talk about "being on the same page"!
Here are just a few titles that I am using for meditation and reading during my quiet time. Please share any that you enjoy or a scripture verse that you have memorized and used from your quiet time.
The Holy Bible (My favorite translations are the KJV, NKJV, NIV, and NLT. I've heard that the NASB is the closest translation of the original manuscripts. My pastor uses this and NKJV. He recommends using a study bible, with footnotes and cross-references in the margin.)
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible (You can find this at biblegateway.com under "Additional Resources-Commentaries".)
Websites, blogs, and email devotionals:
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc.
Dayspring.com blogs: (in)courage and Meet Me in the Meadow
Free ebook:
"Core Lies" by Sarah Mae @ www.corelies.com
Daily Devotional guides and magazines by LifeWay:
Journey, Open Windows, homelife, ParentLife
I hope you have a great day and enjoy the quiet moments where you find them!
I've tried a couple of times to edit this post for spelling errors and it is not working for me. Sorry - I'm still learning in this blog-o-sphere! :)